
Aleo – Next Step For The Web

Aleo will reshape how web applications function. Find out why.

Understanding Aleo

A Leap Forward

Let’s discover why privacy-enabled web applications are the next step for the web.

Fostering Blockchain Adoption

The Challenge of Real-World Adoption

As of today, blockchain technologies are used by a limited number of companies, developers, and web3 enthusiasts. At the same time, the uses cases of such technologies are presently limited for a variety of reasons. Let’s have a look at the reasons why the ecosystem struggles with the challenge of adopting blockchain technology on a broader scale.

Howard Wu

Founder Aleo

“For most, blockchains are just a concept. They are ‘used’ by a small proportion of technologists, activists, and speculators.”

Inadequacy for Real-World Applications

Blockchains are – by nature – public. This poses great challenges to web services seeking to implement blockchain technology. Without privacy, web applications cannot fully protect the data of their users, making them reluctant to adopt such technologies.

Despite offering compelling benefits, such as running business logic on a globally consistent platform, the lack of privacy is a fundamental barrier preventing the widespread adoption of blockchains.

Lack of Real-World Problems

Many existing blockchains seek to provide solutions to problems that are neither of importance to end users nor companies outside of the blockchain ecosystem. Instead, solutions within the blockchain sphere are being developed in search of problems – not the other way around. Real-world adoption can only happen on a large scale when blockchain technologies are developed as solutions towards real-life problems. For this to happen, access to such technologies for companies and end users must be made as seamless – even joyful – as possible.

In order to foster real-world adoption, blockchains that are private-by-default are needed. Even more than that, accessing these technologies and integrating them into existing software stacks, applications, and process needs to be made as seamless and fun as possible.

Taking a Leap Forward

How Aleo Introduces the Next Step for the Web

Over the next decades, web services will transform radically. Instead of being impersonalized applications living in a user’s browser, web services will evolve towards truly personal experiences that become part of the way we experience everyday life. In-home smart assistants reaching half a billion of connected devises are only one example of the progress within this area.

As our lives are increasingly faster becoming public commodities while web services are becoming more personal than ever, user control over their privacy and data become of great relevancy.

Built for the web

Instead of focusing on the unrealistic objective of replacing the network that is being used by billions every day, Aleo is designed to seamlessly integrate with the web. That is because it is not the design of the internet that is the issue but the way web services are operating on top of the web.

Aleo providers developers a programming model that seamlessly integrates with existing solutions and web applications.


Aleo provides a blockchain that is private-by-default and makes the process of building on top of it and integrating Aleo into existing software stacks seamless.


Aleo’s Toolkit